Book Design

Amongst my many jobs, I designed books for a short while. Here are a few of my favorites. The cover to the left was for a collection of short stories. The main story is set in Davenport, IA, a town in which I have lived on two separate occasions. That gave this project a hefty personal weight. I found an old hand drawn map of Davenport, and then mixed in imagery from the other stories in the book to create a curious collage composition.

To be honest I don’t remember what this story is about, but I like the image that I came up with.

This wasn’t a book, rather a one-off job creating the look-and-feel for a wholesaler’s catalog, but it looks sort of bookish. The company sold a range of items, primarily from Central America. My favorite part about this is the font that I made, inspired by Mayan glyphs.


Simple and pretty. I took the image of the flower with an iphone, which at the time I found surprising.

Book Cover

My favorite part about this cover is the little red tick in the letter “A,” and I suppose the choice of all caps.