Graphic Design

Tread Magazine

Woodward Camp

FBM Bike Company

Book Design

Standard Bike Company

Props Visual Ltd.

For roughly ten years I worked as a graphic designer. Although I had no formal training, I had developed a keen interest in design. When I was young and in college a number of my friends were graphic design majors, and I was often checking out their work with curious interest.

At 22 I decided to take a break from school in order to pursue bicycling and photography. I eventually began contributing photos and writing for BMX bicycling magazines, and a few years later I had the opportunity to launch a new BMX magazine. That magazine became my formal introduction and training in design.

Design felt important to me at the time. There was a BMX magazine out of Ireland whose design and content moved me in a unique way. It seemed that design could convey a deeper sense of emotion, of the experience, than the words alone could describe. I became obsessed.

Looking back, I’m not sure if what I did qualifies as design so much as art. I was not following well defined principals or rules. I remember hearing terms such as “The Golden Rule,” reading bits here and there, and it was my interpretation of those ideas that I applied in my work.

These are some of the designs that I most enjoy. I put them here as a visual record, as a window into my process. Clicking on a block will bring you to a page of related works.